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Friday, September 12, 2008

We are Pregnant!

Yesterday I found out that a little bitty thing was busy growing inside of me and giving me strange symptoms that were new to me.

A few weeks ago I was a little hungrier than I usually am, I was getting period like cramps (long before I was due for my period) and my breasts were sore too. Then Guinness was more cuddly than usual. I was supposed to get my period yesterday (9-11-08) and didn’t, so at home Red told me to just take the damn test, the hormones were clearly there. I took it and it was a big fat +. Very +, not a faint line, a strong one. I said, “we are totally pregnant.” I called my mom first who said, “Are you sure? How do you know? It’s too soon, you can’t be sure…” Then Cheryl, who said, “That’s the best damn news I have heard in months!” because of everything going on in her life (Rick, etc.)

This morning I weighted myself at 137, which is 3lbs less than my usual. I took my first before picture. (4 weeks.)

My heart is all a flutter, although I understand a lot of that is increased blood flow to my stomach. Anyway, I CANT WAIT TO MEET MY BABY!

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