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Monday, April 27, 2009

Practically 37 Weeks... Full Term!

Well, tomorrow I will be 37 weeks pregnant, which is technically full term. Everything is becoming really real to me now. This weekend Ryan and I did mostly chores, but took some time to relax and enjoy ourselves too. There is still so much to do though! Whatever we don't get done will just have to wait (maybe forever!).

We visited Nicole and Jason for a little bit. I was so impressed with how together they are; very calm, collected, not frazzled or (seemingly) overwhelmed at all, like I guess I picture most parents to be right out of the gate? It is inspiring and gives me hope that while difficult, everything will all be ok and is doable. Luke is too cute, and I got to hold him a lot. It was crazy thinking that he is smaller out of the womb now than Aurora is not yet out of my stomach! Well she will be growing until she comes out so it all depends on when she is ready to come.

May is crazy and there are a number of family events, between birthdays and Mother's Day, it is strange thinking that for each one, I will either be really really pregnant, or have a newborn.

I am totally convinced she will be coming early, I just don't know how much. Last night I had a really hard time sleeping because Aurora was putting so much pressure on my cervix; I couldn't get in a good position and had to get up several times and pace the room a little. And you can really feel her now... I can feel body parts now where before I could never feel anything but a big swollen belly. The cramping accompanying the Braxton Hicks is getting worse and more frequent (good opportunity for me to practice my breathing exercises) and since Nicole only got through a few days of her Evening Primrose Oil, she gave me the rest of hers and I started those yesterday. Now we are into the once a week visits with the midwives, so we will see, things continue to progress!


  1. How exciting to be noticing changes! I have a feeling you will go early as well, but we will just have to wait and see :)

  2. Wow you those are such nice things to say about us. I actually have to give the credit to Luke, he is breaking us in gently. He is such a good baby (knock on wood) now if only he would take the boob! I'm so excited to meet Aurora. It is really the most amazing experience in the entire world and I know you are Ryan are going to be great parents.
