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Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Have Teeth!!!

What a week! Tuesday Rory cut her first tooth. So after that fever she got last week and her first steps, what a surprise! I’m wondering now if the fever was a pre-curser to the tooth. Cheryl said that Ryan got a high fever each time before his teeth. So we will watch for that fever again and it might indicate another tooth is on the way. Anyway, so Tuesday morning Aurora woke up fussier than I have ever seen her – for no apparent reason. Normally she is so happy to wake up and we do stretches and change her diaper, get into her clothes, and off to Diane’s. But this particular morning she was crying and fussy and was very unhappy. She was still winy if you held her and watch out if you set her down for a second.

Well Diane said she was a little grumpy that day too, and we picked her up, and Ryan fed her dinner. Melinda was over because Nathan was out of town this week for work, and just as Ryan finished feeding Aurora dinner and was cleaning her up in her high chair, he started jumping all around the kitchen yelling “I found a tooth, I found a tooth!” I was like, what? Are you serious? Get out! But no, there it was, the middle-right tooth on the bottom poking through! She was much happier after it cut through her gums and has been a happy camper since then. Although, she does bite too hard once in a while on something and I think hurts her gums up top or her cheeks on the side.

Ryan put in the pull up bar in the living room last night so I’m excited to soon start my new program.


  1. now open her mouth, take a picture and post a pix of that little tooth!

  2. Don't you mean we have tooth? Just kidding! So excited she got her first tooth! Can't wait to see her.

  3. Yay for Aurora! Hazel always got a fever and was very fussy before getting any of her teeth. And watch out for that bite now... at least you are done breastfeeding cause I had some painful moments!
