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Monday, August 31, 2009

Our Little Peanut

So the 4 month old check-up on Friday went well. (Or so Ryan told me) She is still off the bottom of the charts; 23.5 inches, 10lbs, 6oz but they are not too worried since both Ryan and I were very small. I was always 5-10 percentile, and Cheryl says Ryan was 5-10 as well all the way through (and that was “adjusted” since he was so early they were taking his percentiles from his due date to give him a head start; so if they were not adjusting it he would have been off the charts like she is).

However, they do want us to start rice cereal early. So we did the first feeding on Sat; it went great and she loved it. We made it too thin and so my Mom was shoveling it in and holding the bowl below her chin to catch all the baby dribbles, it was a huge mess, but so much fun. We caught it on video. My Mom and Wayne had come over to babysit for that night so we could go to Wicked with Ashley, Dylan and her Mom. Well their sitter bailed on them so Wayne and my Mom ended up watching Boston too! I was so proud of them, they did such a great job and everyone was really appreciative of the date night opportunity to go out.

It’s so amazing to see them grow and develop right before your eyes. Aurora is now grabbing her feet and kicking like crazy. You would think she was going to loop them behind her ears they go so far up! She is very happy and smiles and coos all the time, but not so much laughing out loud going on. But my Mom says I didn’t LOL so much either.

The swaddling is now a thing of the past; she is happy as a clam in the bassinet all hanging loose, which is good since this crazy heat wave has it only dropping to like 80 degrees by the time we go to bed. (I think she would die of heatstroke if we had to swaddle her up).

She has kept the same night/feeding schedule; bed by 9pm and waking up ~3am for a feeding, then another when we get up at 6. I do love those morning feedings, because my jugs are the fullest and she feeds so well and its really wonderful quiet bonding time with her, even if I am half asleep. I am a little concerned about my milk production though; over the last few weeks I’ve dropped from being 3 day bottles ahead (we are storing each days worth of milk in 12 oz beer bottles) to only having 2 ahead. Luckily I have like 5 days of milk in the freezer, but I am pumping more often and started Fenugreek this weekend to see if I can up things. She is taking in more overall, since she mostly takes 4oz bottles now at each feeding instead of 3 and I just need to produce more to adjust!

The dog days of summer are coming to an end and this is the time of year that gets you thinking about the holidays; Ryan’s bday in Sept, mine in Oct, then Thanksgiving, and Christmas right around the corner… WOW its going to be here before we know it! Its going to be so wonderful, celebrating the holidays with our new family. I can’t wait!

1 comment:

  1. You will be fine with your milk. Luke has started drinking 5oz and I am not producing that much at one time but it works out I still haven't had to give formula!
    Can't wait to see the video. You will have to watch Luke's too.
